Why we walk this path?
Nov 26, 2024
We choose to walk this path not because we believe it will save the world or that we get to enjoy a better life. We walk this path as a conscious choice, a powerful decision that shapes how we want to live this life.
The ceremonies are a path, a way of life, not a weird alternative of escape or illusion. A commitment to living with intention and reverence.
Walking the shamanic path is not about seeking personal gain or comfort; it is an act of returning to an ancient rhythm, tuning into sacred reciprocity with all life. This is the noble quest, the guiding light that calls us forward.
Most of the path will feel tenuous, challenging, and often impossible to comprehend or even accept fully. And yet there is a deep sacred whisper within our soul, our heart, that tells us, "Walk this way, in this sacred possibility, in this reciprocity, in this other way than the one you were taught."
We will not find liberation if we walk against something, including the system and ourselves. If we walk because we are profoundly awake and experience the necessity to live from that ancient place of relating, a place of deep connection and understanding, we will find a different way to relate to the self, each other, and the world.
In those moments, the new lenses through which we see the world's turmoils, confusion, and pain will be heartbreaking. Deeply challenging. And yet, every morning when we wake up, we will clearly know what is being asked of us.
Escape is an illusion; whether it be a cave, an island, a bunker, or a rocket, the world's heartbreak remains. Yet, in these fractures, we learn there is no need to fix, only to love more deeply and honor with more sacredness.
Our aim is not self-preservation but to feel intensely alive, intertwined with our soul's purpose, untethered from dark forces of greed and hate, cocooned in sacred reciprocity with all creation.
Let heartbreak be not defeat but an essential chapter in our story. Grief is not a burden but fertile ground for love to flourish in life's broken pieces. Embracing all emotions prepares us for the depth of our spiritual practice and learning to love the world in its untamed beauty.
With love and reverence,
Sacred Paths
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